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Elementary Extras...

The elementary curriculum at CCS would not be complete without the excellent work of our related arts teachers. Beginning in K5, our students are given an excellent foundation in music, art, physical education, and library. A specialized instructor teaches at least one of these courses to each grade level daily. These courses provide students with the base that they need to build their learning in grades 7-12.

  • Music: Students develop counting and listening skills as well as musical appreciation ability.
  • Choir: Students prepare choral pieces for school concerts and programs.
  • Band (sixth grade only): Students are introduced to basic band instruction and perform in elementary concerts and programs.
  • Physical Education (Grades 4 through 6): Students develop their bodies by learning skills in several different sports under the instruction of our athletic director.
  • Art: Students learn basic principles of perspective, color, and observation as they complete numerous art projects.
  • Library: Students learn from quality literature and are given time to check books out for class projects and personal enjoyment.