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What we learn in third grade...
Bible: Students learn from the lives of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and Daniel about the rewards of living for God. Each of these men faced rejection, but by God’s grace, they all remained faithful. In this study, students will see examples of discipline and character, all while learning about the God that is our strength.
Writing: Students continue to learn to write words, letters, numbers –all in ¾” spacing lines! Students also write creative compositions. From beautiful penmanship to figurative language and poetry, students perfect their craft of writing in appearance and content. Different poem forms, alliteration, metaphors, and more are several English tools that students learn to recognize and use.
Science: Students observe the hand of God in the order of the days of creation. Study the senses of the human body, the process of photosynthesis, the classifications of animals, the characteristics of different climates and more. Students learn the scientific method using hands-on experiments to help prepare them for higher-level science courses. Third graders complete an animal classification project during third grade.
Health: Students learn to have proper posture, the importance of vitamins, how to stay clean and fight disease, first aid, and the importance of physical and spiritual health.
Language: Students develop their knowledge of capitalization and punctuation and improve sentence writing. Students are introduced to nouns, verbs, and adjectives as they progress toward learning all eight parts of speech. Forming the plurals of words, using contractions, and correctly using words like sit/set/sat and can/may help students learn to speak and write correctly.
Spelling and Poetry: Using age-appropriate definitions and implementation, students connect spelling with reading, Bible, and other subjects. Eight poems are memorized this year to help students appreciate the beauty of language and the literary value of poetry.
Social Studies:From Christopher Columbus to Martin Luther King, Jr., students will gain a chronological understanding of great leaders in American history. Teachers cover more than fifty biographical accounts of Presidents, generals, preachers, and pioneers that cover five-hundred years of American history. Students also learn about modern Americans, timelines, and maps in order to see the growth and expansion of our great nation. 
Arithmetic: Students will master multiplication and division through story problems, measurement conversions, fractions, and more. Teachers introduce rounding and estimation, perimeter and area, graphs, and geometric figures in preparation for the higher math coming in the future.
Reading: Students further develop both oral and silent reading skills with comprehension, analysis, and synthesis questions covering nine different graded readers. Students will complete three book reports during third grade.

In addition to the core curriculum, elementary students at CCS receive daily instruction in several related arts.