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What we learn in first grade...
Bible: Students learn about the many gifts given by God, including the ultimate gift, His Son, Jesus Christ. Our teachers highlight Creation, family, friends, the work of Christ, and many other examples of God’s care.
Writing: Students master letter formation, size, slant, spacing, correct posture for writing, and correct position for paper and pencil. Teachers begin with single letters and progress to phonics blends of more than one letter, special sounds, and words to trace and copy. Phonics, spelling, and creative writing skills are built into coursework.
Arithmetic: Students learn concepts such as counting, writing and reading numbers, place value, addition and subtraction, money, graphs, measurement, time, temperature, and fractions.
Spelling and Poetry: Students learn important spelling rules from phonics-based word lists. Students develop their imaginations and memorization skills by learning classic poetry.
Language:  Students learn to capitalize significant words; end a sentence with correct punctuation; recognize rhyming words, compound words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and contractions; use prefixes and suffixes; alphabetize words; and even to write original stories on specific topics.
Reading: Teachers reinforce the phonics concepts vital to the mastery of reading skills. Each phonics element is systematically reviewed.
Social Studies: Students gain a greater interest in and love for America as they learn about its symbols, history, and places of interest. Students will learn how the United States was founded and its principles of freedom. They will meet several famous American patriots and take a trip across America. Good citizenship is emphasized, and reading skills are developed. Major countries and U.S. territories are introduced. By studying interesting people and places around the world, students will also gain a greater interest in other countries.
Science: Students learn about plants, animals, insects, energy, health, the seasons, and the five senses. Teachers provide an excellent introduction to science, building interest, furthering reading skills, and developing student vocabulary.
Health: Students will develop good manners, health practices, and safety habits. Teachers focus on the importance of eating healthful foods, taking care of the body, being safe at and away from home, and being kind and respectful to others.

In addition to the core curriculum, elementary students at CCS receive daily instruction in several related arts.