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Learn Lessons from our past...
World Studies: This course provides a chronological narrative of world history that should reveal the hand of God at work in the nations, beginning with the birth of the Church, the rise of Islam, and a survey of nations around the world from 1,000 A.D. to the present. Teachers stir the interest and imagination of the students throughout the year.
American Republic: Starting with the discovery of the New World, teachers trace the path of American history up to the present day. In addition to a historical account, teachers demonstrate the distinctiveness of American values and government, and emphasizes the importance of understanding and appreciating United States history.
Geography*: This course surveys the principles of geography through a regional approach. Students will “travel” from continent to continent around the world studying the geography, cultures, land forms, climates, resources, economy, religions, and government of each country.
World History*: Teachers guide students through the story of history from the dawn of civilization to the present world. Students are encouraged to explore the past and delve in to the twists and turns of world history. The course emphasizes how a Christian worldview affects the study of history, illustrating the crucial nature of viewing history through the lens of the Bible. This course is a survey of history essential to future study.
U.S. History*: A chronological study of the major events in the history of the United States, from the culture of the Native Americans to the early days of the Trump presidency, this course helps students see the past through the corrective lens of a biblical worldview. It leads students to evaluate people, events, and movements from biblical teaching, giving special attention to the rise and growth of secularism. The course also leads students to propose solutions to social problems based on biblical teaching.
Government*: This course prepares students for responsible citizenship with a discussion of the principles and mechanics of a constitutional republic. Teachers provide insight on a variety of topics such as the three branches of government, political parties, elections, foreign policy, and more, all from a biblical perspective.
Economics*: Teachers introduce and explore key principles of economics from household purchases to the stock market. The course includes personal finance study which explains important economic principles and provides practical information about budgeting, banking, debt, credit and interest. Students will also learn about issues related to national economic systems and policies.

*Honors designation is available. Contact the registrar's office for more details.