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Learn to Speak Spanish...
Spanish 1: This course takes an innovative and engaging approach to help students not only learn about Spanish, but learn to communicate at a novice-high level. Teachers present vocabulary and grammar within thematic context. Cultural studies infuse the course from the artwork down to readings, with a heavy focus on developing a biblical worldview.

Spanish 2: Students learn to communicate comfortably at an intermediate level with Spanish-speaking people in a variety of settings: a store, a bank, an airport, a hotel, a doctor's office, an auto shop, and on the mission field. Grammar, pronunciation, writing, listening, verb tenses, and moods are emphasized in a variety of communication scenarios and Spanish dialogues.

Honors Spanish 3: This course explores the tastes, sights, and sounds of the Hispanic cultures. Students experience and reflect on the triumphs, struggles, and celebrations of their dynamic peoples. Students improve language fluency, vocabulary, and writing skills through authentic research-based projects. This is an online FLVS course.

Honors Spanish 4: Students gain a command of the Spanish language by embarking on an immersive journey through rich traditions and superstitions. By meeting real people and hearing their stories, students expand language skills, gain new vocabulary, and better understand their roles as global citizens. This is an online FLVS course.