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What we learn in sixth grade...
Bible: Students will learn how various Bible characters strove to win the race that God set for them. This class also presents an overview of New Testament doctrine, including the past, present, and future work of Christ.
Language: Students improve their English language skills from correct subject/verb agreement and diagraming to reviewing punctuation and perfecting paragraph writing. Students develop a firm foundation for proper communication and writing.
Arithmetic: Students sharpen critical thinking skills and practical application of mathematical principles in proportional relationships, operations with fractions, rational numbers, equivalent expressions, numerical and algebraic expressions and equations, geometrical figures, angle measure, area, surface area, volume, drawing inferences about populations, and investigating chance processes to develop, use, and evaluate probability models.
Social Studies: Students learn the characteristics and geographical features of Canada, the United States, Mexico, Caribbean, Central America, and South America. Teachers guide students to understand and appreciate the history, beauty, and variety of the countries of the “New World.”
Science: Students learn to appreciate the intricate precision and design that God has established within our universe, from the tiny amoeba to the grand Milky Way galaxy. Teachers guide students through an overview of plants, invertebrates, space, chemistry, and the earth’s structure. Students study famous scientists and participate in hands-on science demonstrations and observations.
Health: Students develop a better understanding of the body and how to treat it, from first aid and proper fitness to the body’s different systems and the uses of drugs.
Vocabulary, Spelling, and Poetry: Students study commonly misspelled words and vocabulary words with definitions. The study of roots, prefixes, and suffixes helps students understand the origin of our English language. Teachers guide students to improve skills in proofreading, understanding, understand and memorizing classic poetry, and spelling mastery.
Writing: Students work to master beautiful penmanship, figurative language,  and poetry as they perfect their writing in appearance and content. Teachers show students how to recognize and use different poem forms, alliteration, and metaphors.

In addition to the core curriculum, elementary students at CCS receive daily instruction in several related arts.