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What we learn in fifth grade...
Bible: Like the children of Israel, students learn to live in a spiritual realm of promise and victory. Students will gain an understanding of the patterns and themes of God’s work through the Old Testament.
Arithmetic: Students learn mor about decimals and dividing fractions. Teachers challenge the class with more advanced word problems, pre-algebra concepts, and basic geometry. Students continue work with estimating, rounding, and applying all of these concepts to daily life.
Social Studies: Students discover the alphabet with the Phoenicians, sail to India with Vasco da Gama, check out Africa’s largest waterfall—Victoria Falls, and watch up a game of cricket in England. Teachers guide students from the beginning of recorded history all the way to present day and introduce many famous explorers, leaders, and missionaries along the way.
Health: Students learn about God’s intricate design of the human body: the heart, the circulatory and digestive systems, and a study of nutrients, physical fitness, and interpersonal relationships.
Science: Students lean the spectacular details of the universe as God designed it. Class topics include the different types of mammals, the properties of light, the structure of the earth, force and motion, astronomy and oceanography, and many more.
Vocabulary, Spelling, and Poetry: Students learn to spell words correctly and use vocabulary words in the proper context. Students boost proofreading skills and correct word usage.
Writing: Student review basic letter formation and graduate into creative writing entries and penmanship exercises that include poetry and word puzzles.
Language: Students learn to recognize complements, adverb and adjective phrases, prepare topical and sentence outlines, diagram, and perfect capitalization and punctuation rules. Teachers push students into new heights of proper writing. 

In addition to the core curriculum, elementary students at CCS receive daily instruction in several related arts.