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Grade 7-12 Bible

Biblical Themes 7: Students get a basic introduction to the structure and themes of the Word of God. As teachers guide students through this fast-moving survey, they will discover truths and applications that God placed in each book of the Bible. God’s gracious work is clear—from creation to the cross to the consummation of time.


Biblical Worldview 8: This class directly addresses the truth of the biblical worldview and the false ideas behind other worldviews. Students practice critical thinking by evaluating many current ideological battlefields, including self-identity, absolute truth, and creation versus evolution.


Dynamic Christian Living 9: This class gives students the tools to begin their journey toward spiritual maturity. They will gain an understanding of introductory Christian doctrine, including salvation, the study of the Bible, and the power of prayer. Students will learn how to live out their love for God and share Him with others. 

Bible Doctrines 10: The Bible exhorts believers to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.” A strong doctrinal understanding gives students a solid foundation to sustain their faith. Students learn to know “why” and “what” they believe.

Life Management 11: Students are given godly advice to help them deal with life issues such as relationships, health, safety, careers, money, marriage, and more. Personal stories in this class show students real-life situations and the blessings and consequences that go along with good and poor decisions.

Genesis 11: Teachers emphasize the authority and veracity of the Bible as a guide for history and every other aspect of life. Through a study of Creation, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, and the Patriarchs, we see the Bible’s guide in dealing with family, marriage, government, capital punishment, modesty, prejudice, alcohol, and more.

Life of Christ 12: Students take a journey through the Gospel of John and develop not only a deeper knowledge of Christ but also a deeper relationship with Him. Teachers examine the ministry and work of God’s Son within Israel’s historical and geographical context.