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Journalism and Computer...

Computer Concepts:  Students learn the basics of Microsoft Office including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Teachers walk students through the acceptable formats for research papers, and design several oral presentations, spreadsheets, and promotional products for advertising campaigns.

Yearbook: In this advanced journalism course, students learn photography, research, design, and reporting skills to create the school yearbook. Teachers show students hownto use Adobe Photoshop and InDesign to complete pages and organize compelling layouts.

Keyboarding: This practical course begins with the basics to provide the foundation for excellent technique from which speed and accuracy flow. Teachers focus on both typing skill and basic document processing.

Digital Information Technology: This exciting course provides students with the foundational skills needed for future careers in a variety of technological fields. Students explore emerging technologies, digital design, Microsoft Office online applications, operating systems, and much more! This is an online FLVS course.

Honors Computer Programming: Students learn the skills required to be competitive in today’s high-tech workforce. This course covers the fundamentals of programming using the computer language Python. It provides students with the concepts, techniques, and processes associated with computer programming and software development. Students explore the vast programming career opportunities available in this high-demand field. This is an online FLVS course.

Honors Web Design: In today’s interconnected world, it is web design that holds everything together. In Honors Web Design, students will explore interactive, real-world scenarios to learn basic web design principles. From HTML to Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop, this course builds a strong foundation of web design skills. This is an online FLVS course.

Honors User Interface Design: This course is ideal for students that have a desire to understand more than the basics about web design and related Internet technologies. This course will help teach students the skills they need to be a web designer, from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to how to build a website for a client. This is an online FLVS course.