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What we learn in second grade...
Bible: Students learn that when God gives a command, He also provides a promise. Students study the life of Moses through the Book of Exodus, witnessing the tribulations and victories of the Israelites as they learn to trust God.
Phonics: Students enhance word analysis skills, broaden vocabulary, and increase reading comprehension.
Language: Students develop an excellent foundation in sentence structure, language development, and grammar. Teachers use the special phonics sounds to expand vocabulary, enhance word analysis skills, and increase reading speed.
Writing: Students further develop phonics skills while practicing and improving writing skills. Formation, size, spacing, and slant are emphasized for the best writing mastery. Writing sentences and paragraphs will prepare students for their own creative writing projects.
Arithmetic: Students sharpen basic arithmetic skills and use them in new areas such as carrying in addition, borrowing in subtraction, and applying fractions. 
Reading: Students develop skills in comprehension, general reasoning, and implications. Through a variety of reading experiences, teachers challenge students to think on a higher level.
Science: Teachers cultivate students’ curiosity about the world around them. In the light of God’s design of creation, students study the human body, plants, animals, matter, energy, and space.Students research the “how” and “why” questions behind the basic science concepts of their surroundings. Hands-on learning and additional activities foster an interest and appreciation for God’s creation.​
Health: Students learn to lead a safe and successful life. From regular flossing to proper eating, from safety procedures at home to safety procedures on the street, from learning to apologize to properly answering the phone, students learn about common occurrences of life and how to handle them.
Spelling and Poetry: Students will build their vocabulary by learning to spell hundreds of new words and boosting language skills with vocabulary and definitions. Language abilities are enhanced by poetry memorization.
Social Studies: Students develop patriotism by studying the people who made America great. Students study historical accounts of the Pilgrims, Native Americans, early colonists, pioneers, cowboys, and immigrants. Students develop a better understanding of American holidays, patriotic songs, flag etiquette, and how to find all 50 of the states on a map.

In addition to the core curriculum, elementary students at CCS receive daily instruction in several related arts.