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Sports at CCS...
The CCS athletic program provides a distinct experience for our athletes that we trust will help them in their relationship with the Lord. We believe that God created sports in order to bring Him glory, first and foremost. Even though participating in athletics is extra-curricular, our athletic program fits under the framework of our school philosophy, to “help the family fulfill its God-ordained responsibility to educate children to be Christlike." Our coaches are passionate regarding their love for the Lord, their love for the school, and their love for coaching students. Because we desire to encourage our students in a way the honors the Lord, our coaching staff does not belittle our players but rather encourages them to do their best.

Our athletic program is important because it provides an outlet for physical exercise and a tool to teach Christlikeness in a valuable learning environment. It also fosters a wholesome atmosphere for fun, fellowship, encouragement, and spirit for our school family.

CCS is a member of the Florida Christian Conference ( and offers the following sports for 7th-12th grade students:  Girls—J.V. volleyball, varsity volleyball, J.V. basketball, and varsity basketball; Boys—varsity soccer, J.V. basketball, and varsity basketball. With society’s emphasis on sports, Christian students must maintain the right perspective on athletics. The goal of every Christian student is to glorify God through Christlikeness.  This means that whatever the student does, Christlike actions, attitudes, and responses should be demonstrated. The CCS coaching staff will always push the athletes to do their best in order to achieve the goal of winning without eclipsing the primary goal of honoring Christ. CCS athletics will be used as a tool to teach students biblical principles such as teamwork, self-denial, and respecting others. We teach students to respect their coaches, teammates, opponents, and officials. Sports also presents opportunities to demonstrate a biblical attitude regarding submission to authority, handling adversity, and properly responding to winning and losing.