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Tuition and Fees Crusader Shop
PowerSchool District:   GTQF



Excellence and Affordability...

Dr. Bill Harvey said "Christian education doesn't cost; it pays!" Scripture supports this by teaching us that where our treasure is our hearts are also (Matthew 6:21). While CCS makes every reasonable effort to keep tuition and fees affordable, it is important to remember that investing in Christian education is investing in eternity. Your child will benefit from qualified and compassionate teachers, safe and newly-renovated facilities, and a program devoted to training up disciples of Jesus Christ.

The following tables are the updated tuition and fees for the 2025-2026 school year.

Six weeks to twelve months* $1200
Twelve to twenty-four months* $950
K2-K3 full day* $825
K2-K3 half day* $580
K4 (VPK)


$0 (VPK)

K4 VPK wraparound* $425
*$125 registration fee applies for all levels except free K4 (VPK).


 K5-GRADE 12 TUITION/FEES annually
Curriculum and course $400 (K5-6)
$500 (7-8)
$650 (9-12)
Registration $150
Entrance testing $50
Capital improvement (per family)* $250
Tuition $8500
Various scholarships and multi-child discounts are available.
*The capital improvement fee is not covered by scholarships.
Athletics (per sport)
grades 4-6
grades 7-12

Art or culinary course $25 each
School play $25-75
School uniform $40-80
Class dues (grades 9-12) $75

P.E. uniform

cotton shirt (grades 4-12)

dry-fit shirt (grades 7-12

shorts (grades 7-12)





Music lessons (32 thirty-minute lessons) $800
Regional/National competition* $10-150
Choir/Band Festival $35 each
Band/Choir uniform $15-95
Instrument rental $200
Individualized education program $3000
Extended hours resource $3000
Not all fees apply to all students in all grades. Please speak to the office staff if you feel your child would benefit from our extended resource program or needs specialized instruction due to an IEP. All students in grades 9 through 12 are required to compete in at least one area of academic testing for the SSACS BAFA competition.
K5-sixth grade (6:30-8 a.m./3:15-6 p.m) $250 (first child)
$150 (+sibling)
Seventh-twelfth grade (3:15-6 p.m.) $150 (or $20 per day)
Contact the office for more details about extended care.

Various scholarships and multi-child discounts are available. Please contact the office for more information.